Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 26 - The Power of Decision

I want to check in on you today. How is your New Year Resolution going? Statistics say that most of you have given up by now. You've gotten distracted; you've returned to what's normal and comfortable and let go of the end goal, and therefore have lost what progress you've made.

What's the difference between the people who have given up and the people who are still going? I am willing to bet that it all comes to down to the level of commitment. The people who are still going, still making gainz, still reading, still writing, still abstaining, whatever, are doing so NOT because they are smarter, fitter, wealthier, a particular racial/sexual/ethnic/religious group, they are doing so BECAUSE they made a decision.

They decided, without compromise, what was going to happen. When they made a change, they didn't offer themself a suggestion, they didn't hope, they didn't wish, they didn't say "man, it sure would be nice if (whatever the fuck) could be different, maybe I'll try," they said "listen up, world, this is the way it's going to be from now on, and you can try and stop me, but I'll mess you up."

The human brain is a phenomenal machine, capable of things beyond imagination. For those of you who don't know what the mind can do, try a quick google search of neuro-immunology, or what the monks who practice Tum-mo meditation can do with their bodies. What else explains the 30% success rate of placebo?

All of the great things in history, all of the people who changed the world, or created something new, or overcame seemingly irresistible obstacles, or left their mark on mankind, did so because they harnessed this incredible power that comes from a mind made up.

Anthony Robbins is always talking about "the Giant within" and the "power" inside your mind. He postulates that if you were to focus your mind 100% on any ONE goal, that you would accomplish it, no questions asked. I'm inclined to believe him, as there are thousands of people in the world who say his motivational speaking and writing has changed their lives.

Try this little exercise. I've had a lot of fun with this one. Ask your brain a question. It doesn't have to be something crazy, just like "what should I eat for lunch tomorrow?" or "what crazy story would I write in a journal if I had one?" and then move on. Don't allow yourself to get frustrated over not knowing the answer. Be excited that it will come to you. Then live your life, holding that question in your head. Focus on it as you drive, as you cook, as you fold clothes, as you watch T.V., and soon, you will be amazed by the brain coming to you and answering the question for you.

Your brain stores everything that ever happened to you. Your brain is capable of performing mathematical/logical/rational work that even some of the supercomputers of the world struggle with, but all of this is right under the surface. You use it by focus.

I dare you. Pick a goal. Hold it in your head. Visualize the end result. Ask your brain how to do it. Then decide that you WILL accomplish it, no matter what. Don't accept no for an answer. Don't let your brain believe that giving up is an option, and it won't be. Your mind will twist the circumstances around until you know exactly what to do.

It's an unstoppable force. Use it.

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