Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14 - Week Two Progress

The halfway mark is approaching. So far, I would have to consider the brodyssey a success, based on strictly nominal progress observations.

Generally, I am feeling a growing habit of achievement forming. I feel dissatisfied if, at the end of the day, I haven't accomplished as much as I have in my most productive of days. Consequently, with that habit comes a sense of purpose, of self-realization, that only the most devoted of people recognize. This is not indicative of how important my goals are, they are self-serving and egoist at best, they are indicative of the kind of satisfaction that comes with setting a goal and meeting it. It's like taking out a line of credit on your self-esteem. You put your ego on the line by giving yourself a chance to fail, but if you make your payment every day, it grows and grows and grows.

Another pattern I am noticing is a stronger connection with my needs. What I mean by this is that I have started listening to what my body and mind need/want, and therefore my problems/issues (like procrastination, lethargy, hyperactivity) can be solved more easily and efficiently.

This is due perhaps to the amount of attention I am paying to those parts of myself, as in organic, whole foods, high fat, complete nutrient profile, etc. For example, I noticed yesterday that my blood sugar was running low. I knew because of my symptoms (disinclination to work, foul mood, procrastination) combined with my recent meals (almost devoid of foods processed in the blood stream as sugar) so I had some peaches and was almost immediately better.

It may due also to the fact that, through improvement, I am understanding and mastering myself. For example, I have begun to recognize what my average mood/mindset is like from a detached objective viewpoint, and when it is erratic or unpredictable, I have a better, clearer approach to the solution. Instead of thinking from that place, however imbalanced it may be, I can correct it and return to my normal, balanced thinking. (Spend time with your bros and your best guy friends. Few things can improve your mood and mindset more quickly than the positive feedback loop you join when you pal around with other men.)

Specifically, although I refuse to weigh myself or take measurements until the end, I am noticing differences in my body. My shoulders are appearing broader, the definition of my quadriceps is more extreme, my size large shirts are fitting a bit better. I am noticing increases in strength. My rear delt flys workout weight is more than what I thought my 1RM was. My deadlift workout weight is quickly approaching my 1RM. Chin-ups with weight added are feeling easier than ever. Almost across the board, I am noticing more weight being easier with proper form.

Although my abdominal definition only appears marginally better, I feel tighter and fitter. I don't have to think about what I eat anymore. I understand what I should and shouldn't, and then listen to my body after that. It is easier to stop eating when I'm full, and I don't start again until I'm hungry. I am noticing a pattern of eating very little in the morning, but being hungry frequently in the evening. This is similar to the predator eating described by J. Stanton, and to the intermittent fasting program adopted by the Hodge twins.

I am very nearly through "Hemingway's Boat." I am becoming addicted to reading daily. I should finish it tomorrow, and the review will be posted on this blog a few days after.

My writing is kicking off. The first ten or so days of the brodyssey, I struggled to get my daily amount done, sometimes writing my quota of words in other places beside my book, such as a journal or other piece of work for other responsibilities. But I just recently finished the complete outline of the story, and although it may change quite a bit before it finishes, I feel newly inspired, and the words are just ready to flow out. With the outline finished, and me knowing exactly what's going to happen every step of the way, I feel as though the book is more than halfway completed. I wouldn't have finished this biggest step without this challenge and forcing myself to work on it every day.

The supplementation is becoming comfortable and functional. More on this in  later posts.

There is a lot of change happening. And it is leading to new dreams and goals and further changes. I am feeling stirred in the direction of other life-altering moves. As these feelings coalesce, I'll report them to you. But the positive, intangible benefit of passionate pursuit of improvement is as powerful as I anticipated.

Tomorrow: The Writing Challenge

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